What is a Circle Group?
Circles are groups of 6 to 10 people who gather together via Zoom or individual congregant homes at designated times and days throughout the year to focus on and discuss a specific spiritual principle or topic. It is an opportunity to expand your understanding of spiritual concepts, learn more about yourself, and discover some very special friends.
- Each Circle meets once a week for four to six weeks for two hours of sharing and social time that is centered around a particular topic or book.
- We have many circles available; join one that fits your schedule and accessible location!
- A host and trained facilitator are present to assist the group in prayer and discussions.
Circle Dates
Lenten Circles
Lenten Season
Groups meet during Lent: the 40 days leading to Easter
Circles of Affirmative Prayer
(Not necessarily held each year)
Groups meet during the 5 weeks leading up to World Day of Prayer
(typically the 2nd Wednesday of Sept.)
Circles of Gratitude
Groups meet during the 40 days leading up to Thanksgiving
Benefits of Participating in a Circle
- The dynamics of a “Circle” create a cozy and welcoming setting that fosters a feeling of community and connection.
- Through the Circle experience, you enjoy a variety of viewpoints, backgrounds and personalities. Collectively, you benefit from far more wisdom than you would reading alone.
- Everyone is a teacher. When you can share your truth — you teach.
- Circle members typically stay in touch and provide love and support to one another that continues well past the designated Circle time frame.
- This experience offers a way to learn more about yourself and inspire personal growth.
- When you share from your heart, you strengthen your communication skills and build strong connections with others.