When someone suffers from cardiac arrest, quick action by bystanders with CPR knowledge can increase the survival rate of the victim by 80%. Sadly, national statistics show that only 15-30% of cardiac arrest victims receive bystander CPR, primarily because people aren’t trained to provide it.
That’s why we’re bringing in Lori Stauffer from the Scottsdale Fire Department to teach us this life-saving skill! CPR is EASY to learn, and mouth-to-mouth is no longer required; you’ll learn the hands-only technique. In addition, you’ll learn how to do the Heimlich for choking victims; how to use an automatic external defibrillator (AED); and what to do in case of bleeding emergencies.
This is not an official certification class, but participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Will you be ready when a family member, friend, elderly parent or co-worker needs help? Reserve your spot in this class TODAY!