Easter/Lenten Circle Groups

Do you want to release all that doesn’t serve you,
resurrect the joy in your life, and also
get to know some other congregants a little better?

Lent is the perfect time to release negative thoughts and habits that don’t serve our highest and best so that we can experience the glorious transformation of Easter.

Our Lenten Circle Groups are the perfect way to walk through this process while — at the same time — connecting with other congregants at a deep level. The Circles — small groups of six to 10 people — will meet once a week during Lent, which runs this year from the week of March 9 through April 20 (Easter Sunday).


In the Garden

The groups will be using Unity Village’s 2025 Lenten booklet, “In the Garden.”

Just as we tend a physical garden, we need to tend our inner garden and make room for growth. Releasing what no longer serves you is the perfect way to let your inner garden flourish during Lent.

Our Circles will use the bountiful wisdom and inspiration in this booklet to release what holds you back—and watch your inner garden grow healthy and strong!

CLICK HERE to download a PDF of this booklet.

Hard copies of the booklet are also available in our Divine Idea Books & Gifts Store for $2 each. Pick one up the next time you’re on campus

Each week, a facilitator will lead the group in prayer and discussion related to the book, which offers encouragement and practical suggestions to abandon negative thinking and embrace your unlimited good. Discussions will focus not only identifying qualities to release—anger, anxiety, fear, and more—but also how to do it.