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To observe this year’s World Day of Prayer, we invite you into a 24-hour period of continuous healing prayer.

Of all the prayer requests we receive each year, healing is the most frequent. In fact, every prayer is for healing! Whether the need is for physical or mental health, harmony in relationships, peace of mind, security or prosperity, we heal as we shift awareness to the all-sufficiency of God and our divine identity.

Recite this year’s affirmation knowing that Unity of Phoenix ministers, staff and congregants, along with Unity friends from around the world, will be united with you, upholding your healing intentions.

Opening Prayer Service

Led by Rev. Richard Rogers

Wednesday, Sept. 13 • 7 to 8 p.m. • Sanctuary

Rev. Richard Rogers will open our 24-hour Prayer Vigil with a special service focused on prayer and a powerful message about the healing power of prayer. Prayer is one of the most impactful ways we can make a difference in our world. Please join us for this very special prayer event!

This service will serve as our Wednesday Evening Service for the week.

2-Hour Prayer Vigil in the Sanctuary

Wednesday, Sept. 13 • 8 to 10 p.m. • Sanctuary

Feel the power of united prayer for the healing of ourselves and our world as we gather in the Sanctuary to focus on healing prayer.

24-Hour Prayer Vigil Wherever You Are!

8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13 through 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 14

Please pray with us – wherever you are, at any time, and for any length of time during this 24-hour prayer vigil!

Affirmation and Guiding Prayer

Below are an affirmation and guiding prayer inspired by this year’s theme, “Heart of Healing.” You can use them to prepare for World Day of Prayer, enrich your own spiritual practice, and invite healing and wholeness into your life at any moment.


I open my heart to healing in this moment.

Guiding Prayer:

Alert and focused, I breathe into this powerful moment. I open my heart that recognizes the healing power of God, the source of wholeness and well-being. I turn within to inexhaustible and ever-flowing divine life.

Compassionately, I acknowledge my human experience. Struggles and challenges come and go, but no human condition can hinder the flow of divine life. I heal as I shift my awareness to my spiritual nature and find that God and I – divine life and I – are one. I have ready access to the fullness of life at all times.

Healing is happening in every moment of spiritual awareness. Knowing that wholeness and well-being are innate, I celebrate my capacity to thrive in every circumstance. With a grateful heart, I heal.

And so it is.

Questions for Reflection

 Use these questions and insights for personal reflection and to better connect with the divine and healing power you hold within. They are also wonderful concepts to explore in group prayer or discussion.

Whether the need is for physical health, emotional relief, improved relationships, prosperity, or world peace, healing is the intention of every prayer. How do you exercise your faculty of faith when you pray for healing?

Spiritual healing depends on faith, and there cannot be faith while the mind is holding thoughts directly opposed to the possibility of healing. It is therefore very necessary to dwell much on the love and power of God so that a steady, unwavering faith may be established.

—Charles Fillmore, Atom-Smashing Power of Mind

Describe practices you engage in to achieve inner peace. What is the role of forgiveness in healing? How do you resolve emotional discord as part of healing?

Jesus gave us the consciousness of peace. “My peace I give unto you.” The mind of peace precedes bodily healing. Cast out enmity and anger and affirm the peace of Jesus Christ, and your healing will be swift and sure.

—Charles Fillmore, Jesus Christ Heals

Myrtle Fillmore taught that healing involves affirming the Truth and demonstrating it. What is the Truth of wholeness, and how might you demonstrate it?

The way to healing is first of all to reeducate the mind and to establish the Truth in all the faculties; then to see the reality of the body and its functions and to stamp every part with the perfect pattern, which is God-given and known as the [divine human], the outpicturing of the Christ ideas in individual consciousness; then to study the living habits and make them conform to the truth that good only is real and abiding and truly active.

—Myrtle Fillmore, Myrtle Fillmore’s Healing Letter