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Understanding and Healing Your Grief- 7-Week Grief Workshop

If you are experiencing unresolved grief, this workshop is one way to help resolve it. The six-week workshop combines bereavement education and spiritual support for people experiencing grief from a personal loss.

It is important to have a desire for a greater understanding of your grief and a willingness to personally work and move through the grief process toward peace and healing. Together we will create a sacred space for healing, while honoring confidentiality, in order to provide a safe environment for the sharing of personal feelings and concerns.  There will also be time for questions, and guidance toward answers.

Required Text: Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing your Heart and The Understanding Your Grief Journal, both by by Alan D Wolfelt, Ph.D.  Available through our Divine Idea Books & Gifts store upon request; if you’d like to order it, call 602.978.3337 or email Bookstore Manager Julia Kellogg at jkellogg@unityphx.org.


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