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Believe, Practice, Choose: The Gift of Self Care

A Connection Group for Givers of Care – Limit of 15 participants for a group

There is a well-known statement that says: put your oxygen mask on first before you try to help someone else. This is the basis for this four-week series. The four sessions will be dedicated to you, the giver of care, and how what you BELIEVE shapes your care relationship and experience. Our time together will be spent sharing and embracing self-care as our priority.

We will use the book, Believe, Practice, Choose: The Gift of Self Care, which is designed to offer daily PRACTICE for those, like you, who have little time and energy left to care for yourself. We will also be exploring two very human feelings — guilt and fear — that interfere with the satisfaction and joy of helping one another. The focus will center around your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being as a giver of care in a way that bathes, feeds and supports your own life.

During this time together, we will discover ways to remember our inner strength, develop resilience, and find a life-affirming spiritual connection that sustains us in our daily lives. Discussions will center on valuing our feelings and balancing our needs with those in our caregiving relationship. From this perspective, we will discover the power in every moment to CHOOSE to love every aspect of ourselves.

We are offering this four-session connection group on a Love Offering basis. If there is enough interest, we may add a second session on Saturdays via Zoom (see below):
Four Wednesdays: July 31 and August 7, 14 & 21
6:15-7:30pm • Ponder Meeting Room (5)
Four Saturdays: July 27 and August 3, 10 & 17
Time Still to be Determined • Via Zoom
Facilitators: Cathee Tankersley and Deb Twillman
Love Offering

Sign up below for the connection group you would like to attend. Note that there is a limit of 10 participants per group.