Senior Minister
Rev. Richard Maraj
Rev. Richard Maraj inspires people to live better lives through his powerful spiritual teachings. His charismatic, relatable speaking style combines a depth of spiritual knowledge, sharp intellect, great sense of humor and contagious enthusiasm to touch and energize his audience into expanding their understanding of God, life and themselves. Richard’s positive, uplifting messages have helped many people experience greater joy, peace and prosperity through the practical application of basic spiritual principles.
For many years Richard worked as a successful motivational speaker who traveled throughout North America to address large Fortune 500 and other companies. During the early 1990s, he felt a strong call to ministry, and was compelled to attend ministerial school.
He was ordained as a Unity minister in 1998, and began his ministry as an Associate Minister in Raleigh, NC. Soon afterward he became Senior Minister of Christ Church Unity in Kansas City, MO, and quickly became a much sought-after guest speaker for churches throughout Canada and the United States. He is currently the Senior Minister of Unity of Phoenix, one of the largest Unity ministries in the world, where he has served since 2005.
Richard has a degree in political science from McMaster University and continues to have a passion for learning. He is a strong advocate for community service, and also enjoys a variety of activities and hobbies, which include performing as a stand-up comic. In addition, Richard is currently completing a book called “The 4 Most Important Questions You Can Ask Yourself.“

Pastoral Care Minister
Rev. Jimmie Scott
The lovable Rev. Jimmie Scott has a sweet disposition and an even sweeter tooth: bring him Krispy Kreme doughnuts and you’ll be a friend for life! His calm, gentle and compassionate presence is exactly right for his role in pastoral care. He also brings a lifetime of wisdom, and a diversity of interests to his position.
Rev. Jimmie originally joined Unity of Phoenix as Pastoral Care Minister in 2008. He left in 2017 to serve as Lead Minister for Unity Church of San Antonio, and “retired” in January 2022. At that time, he agreed to return to Unity of Phoenix as Interim Pastoral Care Minister.
Previously, Rev. Scott served as Associate and Lead Minister for First Church Unity in Nashville, TN. During his time there, Jimmie grew the tiny ministry into a rapidly growing congregation that today numbers over 500.
In 1997 Jimmie served as Chairman of the Executive Board for the Association of Unity Churches International. During that time, he actually ordained our own Rev. Richard Maraj! From 2000 through 2003, he was the Chaplain at Unity Institute and was on the Board of Directors of Renaissance West, Inc. in Kansas City, MO.
From May 2006 to July 2008 Jimmie served as Associate Minister at Unity Renaissance Church in Chesapeake, VA. He supervised the Finance Department, resided over the Chaplain Program and the Youth Education Department. Jimmie officially began his ministry at Unity of Phoenix as Pastoral Care Minister on August 1, 2008
Rev. Jimmie’s secular interests have included services as vice chairman of COPE, an organization founded to provide training and job placement for the mentally and physically handicapped. He also served as an arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau , as an advisor for Junior Achievement, counselor for abused and neglected children, and past chairman for the advisory board of Community Enhancement, an alcohol and drug abuse council for teens.
Look for Jimmie and his wife, Mary, on Sundays: they enjoy the title of the most lovable, best dressed couple on campus! They have two adult children and two grandchildren.
Youth & Volunteer Minister
Rev. Stacy Macris Ros
Rev. Stacy Macris Ros has been attending Unity since the age of five! She became a Licensed Unity Teacher with Unity Worldwide Ministries in November 2018. In March 2020, she was appointed as Co-Spiritual Leader of Unity of the Oaks in Thousand Oaks, California as she completed the Field Ministry Program. She stepped into the Senior Minister role at Unity of the Oaks in April 2022 and was ordained in June 2022.She is excited to have joined Unity of Phoenix Spiritual Center in February 2024 as the Associate Minister of Youth and Volunteer Ministries.
Rev. Stacy’s Sunday talks – including over 30 years of guest speaking at Unity churches; her three years of her weekly Facebook Live broadcasts; and her “Spiritual Inspirations” podcast – are all filled with humor and wisdom, personal anecdotes, quotes from spiritual leaders, and spiritual tools for all of life’s challenges. Rev. Stacy’s message is always one of love and reminding you of your divine nature.
Before becoming a minister, Rev. Stacy became a Certified Spiritual Educator (C.S.E.) with Unity Worldwide Ministries in 2013, a designation for Unity’s youth education teachers and youth directors. This coincided with her tenure as Unity of the Oaks’ Youth Education Director from 2010 to 2014. During this time, she facilitated trainings with Sunday teachers and organized fun, spiritual experiences for children both in and out of the Sunday classroom. She is passionate about multigenerational ministry!
After embracing many leadership roles in her teenage and adult years, Rev. Stacy’s Unity service has included:
- Southwest Unity Region’s Teen & Family Ministry Consultant ~ 2012-2017.
- Southwest Unity Region’s Board of Trustees as the L.U.T. representative ~ 2019-2022.
- Podcast co-host on UnityOnlineRadio.com, Pop Conscious ~ 2014-2016
- Board Member for the Unity Church of Alhambra Foundation ~ 2006-2013.
- Conejo Valley Interfaith Association, Member & Committee Member ~ 2020-2024.
Rev. Stacy loves to offer spiritual support and coaching, helping individuals to realize that they can live a life of joy and inner peace. She is also available to officiate weddings and memorials, working with families to create a unique service tailored just for them.
Rev. Stacy holds a degree in Dietetics from Michigan State University and a master’s degree in public health, with an emphasis in Family & Community Health, from UCLA.Rev. Stacy loves photography, meditation, and yoga and enjoys the outdoors. Her life is enriched by time spent with her husband Juan, their very friendly dog, and family vacations with their two adult sons.

Guest Minister - Wednesday Evening Service
Rev. Dr. Michele Whittington’s is currently one of three ministers (alongside Rev. Richard Maraj and Rev. Stacy Macris Ros) who officiate Wednesday Evening Services at Unity of Phoenix Spiritual Center.
Rev. Michele’s vision for her life is to travel her ever-ascending spiritual journey and serve others with love, compassion and humor as they travel theirs. With that vision in mind, she became an ordained Religious Science minister in 1998 and served as Senior Minister to Creative Living Fellowship, a Religious Science church community for almost 22 years. She is also a licensed Art of the Feminine Presence master teacher, a certified Real Love coach, as well as a Positive Intelligence coach.
In addition, she has authored a number of books, the first of which is From Our Hearts to Yours: Stories and lessons on conscious loving, conscious dying and conscious living. This is a deeply personal and touching account of her and her husband Lonnie’s love story that lasted almost three decades. It chronicles their journey before, through and after his terminal illness.
Her second book is a co-creation with others and is entitled Heroine Tales: So no woman has to slay her dragons alone. It contains moving, poignant and meaningful stories of women who became the
heroines of their own stories.
She also is a contributing author to New Thoughts for Today: Contemplations for a rapidly changing world and Works of Heart: Stories of transformation to uplift and inspire, both published by the Affiliated New Thought Network, a spiritual organization aimed at connecting the New Thought community through consciousness and love.
In 2018, she began a new ministry as the founder of Unleash Your Life Consulting. In this new expression of her vision, she is a nationally sought-after keynote speaker and offers classes, workshops, retreats as well as one-on-one mentoring, all aimed at empowering those who want to take their feet off the brakes and fully embrace their dreams.
In early 2022, she became the Executive Director of the Affiliated New Thought Network.
When she is not engaged in all of that, she is living her unleashed life in her home in
Phoenix, Arizona, with her rescue dog Curly.